Livingston Holder

CTO and Co-Founder

Radian Aerospace

Livingston Holder is a highly accomplished aerospace professional with over 30 years of experience in aerospace systems management, engineering, planning, and operations, serving as the co-founder and CTO of Radian Aerospace. He is widely respected for his contributions to the aerospace industry, having held significant roles at Boeing, NASA, NRO, DARPA, USAF, and various other arms of the Department of Defense and National Security Space community. Livingston's early career achievements include being recognized and decorated as a Titan III Launch Officer and being selected as a Manned Spaceflight Engineer. He was also chosen as a payload specialist for a classified Space Shuttle mission, which was canceled following the Challenger accident. After leaving the Air Force in 1988, Holder joined Boeing, where he excelled in increasingly senior roles, including management of the Space Station international integration activities, leadership of the Habitation Module IPT, and Program Manager of Sea Launch. He also served as the Chief Engineer and Program Manager of Aviation Information Services, Program Manager of X-33, and head of Boeing’s Future Space Transportation organization. Subsequently, Holder served as the Chairperson for COMSTAC at the US Department of Transportation and later joined Andrews Space as VP Space Systems, where he was responsible for the company's space system design, development, and new business activities. In 2006, Holder became the Chief Program Executive at AirLaunch LLC, where he led the company to several technical milestones, including the largest and heaviest object ever dropped from a C-17 and the largest and longest Vapor Pressurized rocket engine firings in history. Livingston Holder holds a B.S. in Astronautical Engineering from the United States Air Force Academy and an M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California.

2024 Summit Agenda

25 September 2024 | 16:45 - 17:15 | Panel: Space Economics: Lessons Learned from 20 Years since the Dawn of the NewSpace Era

  • Looking back into the success factors of the NewSpace Economy, its development over time, the key players 
  • New role of agencies in this emerging trillion dollar market
  • Special considerations of NASA and other stakeholders, which had and still have to adopt to a NewSpace era

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