Delip Prasad

Head of Market for MENA

Munich Airport

Delip is working for more than 12 years in the aviation industry and deals with international projects. He managed large scale bids and consultancy projects on a global scale and tries bring together knowledge and experience and the result clients expect. After working in the field of airport PPPs he moved to business planning of airports and airport facilities for MAI in the US. Later he managed MAIs global consultancy projects and was responsible in resource- and multi project management. In his current role as Head of Market he is making sure that MAIs business activities in MENA and Africa are result driven, impactful and of benefit to clients. 




2024 Summit Agenda

26 September 2024 | 12:45 - 13:15 | Panel: Managing Capacity and Infrastructure: Optimizing Airport Infrastructure for Future Growth

  • Analyzing current and projected passenger and aircraft traffic demands
  • Investing in expansion and modernization of airport facilities
  • Implementing advanced technologies for efficient passenger flow management.
  • Enhancing collaboration with airlines and ground service providers for seamless operations
  • Building smart next generation airports

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